So often as artists we toil away alone. In our studios, cellars, bedrooms, offices. Digging deep within ourselves to pull out emotions, hopes, pain, dreams, experiences, fantasies...and mold them into sublime objects of art or expressions of ourselves, in which we hope to communicate even a glimpse of what we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel as human beings. There are many reasons why artists create, but at the core of it all I believe it is to, in some way, find a connection with others or with the universe itself.
This album was originally conceived as a soundtrack for daily life. As it continued to emerge and I shared it with a few close friends, what started to become apparent was how it could support, enhance, and even subtly influence their creative endeavors. I am excited to be entering into a collaboration between myself and artists of different modalities, many of whom often work in solitude. When they are creating with my music in the room, they are not alone; when they listen, I do not go unheard.
Here we highlight the results of that collaboration with artists I admire greatly, artists who have used this music to influence their work or to just help hold the space for them to create...
MARK GLEASONGiving up the geta to find meaning in the mysterious.